My computer C drive had gone crash but fortunately my hardware friend managed to recover most, and now I am happy and relieved.
My friend David Lobenberg and me, we have decided to do a painting from this source photo of mine.
Many times when attempting a new painting I end up doing two or three versions at the same time trying kind of different approaches .this time is no exception. This is one of them .Not sure this one is complete or already overworked. I have tried to simplify the clutter behind and removed the ad poster showing "Officer's choice”. I am no officer neither this one is of my choice
What's not of your choice?The drink?Well,whatever you paint,looks incredible to me.Are you obsessed with bicycles?You've done numerous paintings of them.Now the bug's bitten me too.I too am trying some bicycle paintings.I'll check David's version too if he has posted.
I really admire the way you painted in the lights coming from behind and then created the shapes out of just blotches of light = very nicely done!
Wonderful paintings -- I really like the one with red accents, lots of light and shadows :)
Have a wonderful 2009
Well, I guess I better post my work in progress. Can you get back to me post haste with how I can add some hindi (is that the right word?) writing on the banner. Is this some kind of a store in the photo? I really want to have some typography printed (in your language), but I obviously have no way of doing it unless I get something to copy.
I wonder if you need reference for paining cycles and rickshwas :). Anyways its learning to see good paintings done from same reference by differnt artists ( seen your finsished work ,David Lobenberg's WIP )
Well, I can see I need to get busy, too! David pulled me into this project, so I must put brush to paper and do something . . .along with all the other projects I have in hand . . !
it amazes me what we both see at once, Milind. Aside from the bicycle, the abstraction of light shapes is what grabbed me from the outset. I have several sketches of that abstraction and will probably emphasize that in the painting.
so right Mike
Hi Milind, this is one hell of a painting challenge! Very brave! It is going to be interesting to see the results of the four (five?) of you. So far your work is very impressive.
Love this piece..I'll second Ramesh on the fact that you sure do seem to have a bunch of bicycle paintings.But then again each painting is so versatile that no one can complain bout seeing soo many bicycles..Love your work..truly inspiring.
The composition of this picture is very encompassing and unique..........the light is marvelous.
Hello, I love what you do. Bicycles, but also all your watercolors. I want a blog about the watercolors. Periodically, I write a ticket on watercolorists worldwide. For example, in December 2008, I spoke by Nicholas Simmons of Washington that you know. It did me the honor to talk about my article on his own blog and put a link to the mien.Je qu'injustement think you are not known in Europe (France, Belgium, Switzerland) . Also, I will devote a ticket for you and your work. I tried to send you an e-mail address but would be wrong because you do not me répondu.Mon blog is written in French but there is a translator in several languages including English. As soon as I 'will be the ticket online, I will let you know. I hope that I will then have the honor of your visit
Best regards
Pierre alias masmoolin
I have published a bill about you on my blog. I love your watercolors. They are wery nice !!
best regards
Pierre alias masmoulin
Your work never ceases to amaze me!
Great painting!
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