"faithfulness in emotional life and consistency in a life of an intellectual is one and the same thing a confession of failure." Oscar Wild character Lord Henry says something like this. A consistently great quality and wins can be a management virtues but in art you have to be a "loos"er from time to time to go further..
Beautiful top view painting Milind sir. I like the way you have used the yellow and blue (Gamboge and Prussian Blue - my guess) in proximity. Your mastery over architectural perspective is evident so well here. Thanks for sharing.
Wonderful painting Sir. You said an artist has to be a "looser", so are you hinting at the rare ability of handling watercolour loosely or is it something else that I just could not understand? Thank you for posting this painting. All your posts are absolute delights to watch and read. Best wishes.
Hi Milind, I love water color. Your work is Great! Apke pita Pratap ji ke kaam ko dekhte hue bada hua. Apka blog pehli bar dekha aur itna prabhawit hua ki use maine favorit ke sath link kar diya.
I absolutely love this website! I just stumbled upon it, and I must say your content is incredibly helpful and well-written. I appreciate the effort you've put into creating such valuable resources. I do have a suggestion, though—I recommend delving into digital marketing strategies. It could significantly boost your website's growth and audience reach. Keep up the excellent work, and I'm looking forward to seeing your website flourish even more!"www.cultureofinternet.com
I am a full time painter
I paint what I see.
It is not the subject but the shapes, tones, color and there relation along with the play of light that crates a sensation.
I paint because I wish to respond and communicate this sensation.
The selection of shapes and tones rendered in realistic style with washes and brushstrokes is my painting. The selection is my vision and creates a body for the sensation felt.
If the viewer responds by saying “wow”, I believe he responds to that “abstract quality”,that”visual sensation” which I felt. This is probably my best reward and fulfillment than any long essay written by a critique
Beautiful top view painting Milind sir. I like the way you have used the yellow and blue (Gamboge and Prussian Blue - my guess) in proximity. Your mastery over architectural perspective is evident so well here. Thanks for sharing.
I love the blues, greens and yellows in such fresh style!
What a beautiful start to my morning. Thank you for posting sir. Have no words. I think this one my latest favorite.
Wonderful painting Sir. You said an artist has to be a "looser", so are you hinting at the rare ability of handling watercolour loosely or is it something else that I just could not understand? Thank you for posting this painting. All your posts are absolute delights to watch and read. Best wishes.
Superlative....Your work is very inspiring.
Absolutely beautiful!You are going further by loosing earlier as well with consistency heightening yourself
Love this painting a lot...with its different perspective and great colors!
Hi Milind,
I love water color. Your work is Great! Apke pita Pratap ji ke kaam ko dekhte hue bada hua. Apka blog pehli bar dekha aur itna prabhawit hua ki use maine favorit ke sath link kar diya.
WOW!! Milind, this is BEAUTIFUL!
Brilliant work.. Amazing.. I am short of words. you have loads in store for you. Superb work. loved all your paintings. keep it going.
Do take a look at my novice works at my blog.
love your work!!! a true inspiration.
Perfect work to study complimetaries and tonal value..
Make website india
love this one. The looseness and temperature with the focus on the subject. Have your book, but this is more inspiring
Your every piece of work is great. I love all the paintings.
feels so serene...i have always been inspired by your style of painting.Thanks for posting your paintings...its real pleasure seeing them!
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