Friday, July 24, 2009

SP remembering M C Escher

had fun doing this ..may be this can become a new SP global challenge..those interested in Escher check


__ said...

Escher is one of my favorites. And this painting is beautiful! The reflections, the warm and cool colors... Awesome!

David Lobenberg said...

A good idea, Milind. I have a pen and ink I did of myself a while back reflected in an electric tea kettle. Check out a watercolorist from Spain. He contributed a SP on the SP Global Love In. His name is Cardesin, and you can link to him through my blog roll. He's at the top.

Art with Liz said...

Wow Milind, I find the way you get your paintings to glow like that, absolutely incredible. Will check the site out.

Meera Rao said...

Ahh - another winner :)

Kathy said...

Another great job, Milind. Again you are using that Milind Blue...I love it! Super reflection!!

Unknown said...


VINOD MORE said...

awesome!!full character....