Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Turban Man Paint off..so far...Face it

The top two are by David Lobenberg ..what he has done so far..,whom I am "facing" in this paint off ..He is indeed a bold colorist and good with faces.
and below some 3 attemptss I am still trying .Usually i do more than 1 attempts and realize probably first was the best.This time I am not sure probably first is not as good as third which is better than the second which is not as good as first ..got it?
When it come to painting Face..face it, there is always a tie between a painterly rendition and getting likeness.
Masters are those who achive both.. like Charles Reid who make our life unhappy
You might wonder all three men look different..Ya ,most of the time people whom i portray refuse to look like their portraits...not my fault..
Pl. visit David's bog.. http://davidlobenberg.blogspot.com/ for his updated work.


Meera Rao said...

"..most of the time people whom i portray refuse to look like their portraits...not my fault.."-- I love this and might use it for explaning portraits I attempt too :)

That aside, I think both of you have quite a face off going on - all the five portraits seem to illustrate a different aspect of the same person - quite interesting.

sanjeev joshi said...

Wow, both have done great job.The eyes painted by both tell me that who has painted which one!The blue eyed is by david.I am sure the photograh was not clear! fantastic job and interesting results.Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

I laughed too at the statement that most people your portray refuse to look like their portraits!
I understand.
It's more about the essence than the exactness. For that, I think, we have cameras.

Both are done with skill and interesting use of color.

Each different and both very good- all the elements could be interchangeable.

Kathy said...

Sometimes the Barns that I paint refuse to look like the barns, not my fault...
I think that will be our catch phrase.
What a challenge and greatly accomplished in each of the portraits that both of you created. Who cares what the guy really looks like. I think you both captured the essesse of Turban Man. I like your paint offs!

Asha said...

liked 4th one from top.. he looks more happy. Also carries less bold

its interesting to see different expressions and varied colors in all pictures.

Art with Liz said...

Great paint off portraits! Now I know why it's not my fault! Thank you for the explanation.

Silly Point said...

Beautiful! Milind, you are an absolute master. Lovely colours.
Which paper do you use?

milindmulick said...

thanks you all.the catch phrase has really caught.
I use Fabriano c.p. mostly and some times Te Arches cp,sally ,welcome Art-blogger world.