Monday, February 9, 2009

After discussion

Another one.,rather small ..deliberately sketchy..I have stopped happy


Kathy said...

I love how you use that teal and green. You inspired me to use them in my last few paintings. But I also love the purple.

Art with Liz said...

Isn't it great when you stop at a certain point and know you've done the right thing?

Kathy said...

Isn't it greater just to know that you are DONE and have created a masterpiece!

milindmulick said...

thank you both Kathy and Liz.
The trouble is everyday is not Sunday.

John Salmon said...

Milind this is a wonderful blog you are sharing with us but to make it easier for us to follow your progress could you put a "Follow this blog" gadget in it.

I love your watercolour work. It has the same fascination for me too.

I'm adding you to my blog too.

Arti said...

Last year I visited a friend in Pune.I came to know about you at an art store there.I even got a book authored by you!So its needless to say that you are very good..I liked your work straight away..hope I learn something from you!