Milind this is a wonderful blog you are sharing with us but to make it easier for us to follow your progress could you put a "Follow this blog" gadget in it.
I love your watercolour work. It has the same fascination for me too.
Hi Last year I visited a friend in Pune.I came to know about you at an art store there.I even got a book authored by you!So its needless to say that you are very good..I liked your work straight away..hope I learn something from you! arti
I am a full time painter
I paint what I see.
It is not the subject but the shapes, tones, color and there relation along with the play of light that crates a sensation.
I paint because I wish to respond and communicate this sensation.
The selection of shapes and tones rendered in realistic style with washes and brushstrokes is my painting. The selection is my vision and creates a body for the sensation felt.
If the viewer responds by saying “wow”, I believe he responds to that “abstract quality”,that”visual sensation” which I felt. This is probably my best reward and fulfillment than any long essay written by a critique
I love how you use that teal and green. You inspired me to use them in my last few paintings. But I also love the purple.
Isn't it great when you stop at a certain point and know you've done the right thing?
Isn't it greater just to know that you are DONE and have created a masterpiece!
thank you both Kathy and Liz.
The trouble is everyday is not Sunday.
Milind this is a wonderful blog you are sharing with us but to make it easier for us to follow your progress could you put a "Follow this blog" gadget in it.
I love your watercolour work. It has the same fascination for me too.
I'm adding you to my blog too.
Last year I visited a friend in Pune.I came to know about you at an art store there.I even got a book authored by you!So its needless to say that you are very good..I liked your work straight away..hope I learn something from you!
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